English Language Development

English Language Development2024-11-22T11:55:51-05:00

Welcome to Insight PA’s English Language Development (ELD) page! We are proud to serve families from around the world with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Our students and families enrich our community and we are happy to serve our language diverse students at all levels of proficiency.   

The purpose of Insight PA’s English Language Development (ELD) program is to provide language acquisition instruction and support in all four language domains: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Students receive services through a combination of push-in/pull-out models with collaboration between the ELD Specialists and content area teachers as a means to providing access to the academic content while learning English.

Title III & WIDA2023-12-08T10:31:41-05:00

Title III
Title III is a 100% federally funded supplemental program that concentrates on delivering language instruction educational programs to students who have a primary language other than English.

Title III Supplemental Program
Title III & ESSA

Pennsylvania is part of the World-Class Instructional Design & Assessment (WIDA) Consortium.  Member benefits include a suite of assessment tools and a research-based, language development system connected to learning standards and supported by professional learning. More information about WIDA can be found using the links below.

WIDA Pennsylvania
WIDA 2020 Framework
WIDA Can Do Descriptors
WIDA Screener

WIDA Screener Online is an English language proficiency assessment given to new students in grades 1–12 to help educators identify whether they are English learners (ELs). 

WIDA Access

ACCESS for ELLs Online (ACCESS Online) is a computer-based, adaptive test that responds to student performance and may be administered in group or individual settings. This assessment is given annually to students in grades 1-12.

ELD Identification2023-12-08T10:34:15-05:00

When a family indicates a language other than English on the Home Language Survey, Insight PA begins the English Learner Identification Process, following the procedures outlined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

PDE has instituted a parental right to refuse English Language Development (or “opt out” of ELD). Although it is not advised, if a parent so chooses, they may refuse specialized services or classes that are only provided for English Learners. Should you choose to opt your student out of ELD services, please contact our ELD Program Supervisor or Eligibility Coordinator.

ELD Exit Criteria2023-12-08T10:34:36-05:00

PDE requires schools to employ uniform procedures in accordance with state requirements for reclassifying English learners (ELs) as former ELs (FELs) when they attain proficiency.

Translation Library2023-12-08T10:35:54-05:00

PDE houses all compliance documents in the Translation Library located on the SAS Portal.  Additional translated documents can be found in the library such as medical forms, attendance notices, field trip permission slips, and more.

Translation & Interpretation Services2023-12-08T10:37:28-05:00

Insight PA provides translation and interpretation services through Alboum. If you are in need of translation or interpretation services, please contact our ELD Program Supervisor or Eligibility Coordinator. 

English Learner Manual: Policies & Procedures2023-12-08T10:57:23-05:00

Downloadable PDF


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