Why is attendance so important?2023-09-21T14:16:44-04:00

Regular school attendance is an essential part of your child’s education and vital to their ability to graduate ready to take on the rigors of young adult life. Students who are frequently absent may be putting their futures in jeopardy by falling behind in school. Chronic absenteeism is a behavior that is strongly associated with dropping out of school. By establishing a daily routine for logging into our Online School, attending live class connect sessions, and completing course assignments in a timely manner, students will be able to successfully complete their course and graduation requirements.

Who is eligible to attend Insight PA Cyber Charter School?2023-10-17T17:01:50-04:00

Any student in grades K–12 who resides in Pennsylvania is eligible for full-time enrollment.

What grades are offered by Insight PA Cyber Charter School?2023-12-07T10:27:21-05:00

Insight PA offers full-time enrollment for Pennsylvania-residing students in grades K–12.

Do I need to have access to a computer to attend?2023-12-01T13:50:01-05:00

To ensure you have the equipment you need for school, Insight PA provides each student with a laptop and headset and each family with a printer. These laptops and printers must be returned when the student leaves the school.

What counts as attendance at Insight PA?2023-09-21T14:18:05-04:00

A student is counted as present for the day when they are attending all required live class connect sessions (including Counselor Connection and Seminar Courses) and/or completing their work in asynchronous courses. Students should be logging in daily, from Monday – Friday, even on the days when they do not have live classes. 

What does it cost to attend Insight PA?2023-10-17T17:02:00-04:00

Insight PA is a public, tuition-free school. Required course materials and technology are provided, though students and families may be responsible for some common household materials and basic school supplies.

What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous instruction?2023-12-08T09:50:58-05:00

Synchronous classes are live class sessions held at a specific time each day and taught by our Insight PA teachers. Asynchronous classes allow students to view pre-recorded instructional materials and complete their work on their own. Students working asynchronously are still expected to submit assignments and complete assessments on time.

Do I need to use the computer equipment provided by Insight PA?2023-12-01T13:51:26-05:00

We highly recommend that families accept and use our loaner computers and printers, as we are then able to assist with technical and software issues. Our loaner computers meet the highest security standards and requirements to ensure students are accessing a safe and secure online school environment. Also, the use of non-Insight PA devices may present a security concern and result in the inability to access some school websites, platforms, and accounts.

What subjects will my child study?2023-12-10T16:39:03-05:00

In addition to core courses in English Language Arts (ELA), Math, Science, and History, students at Insight PA have access to a full range of elective courses. Elementary schedules include asynchronous Art, Music, Health, and Physical Activity classes that students work through on their own with their Learning Coaches while Middle School students rotate through quarterly synchronous (live) instruction in Physical Education, Health, Computer Science, and Family Consumer Science. Career Exploration begins in third grade and continues through Middle School, using the Smart Futures platform.

Our High School students have access to a large variety of Honors and AP courses, career pathway courses, pre-apprenticeships, certification programs, and electives including World Languages, Visual Arts, Music, and more. (Visit our HS Academics page to view our course catalog for the current school year.) We also have opportunities for students to earn college credit through our College in the High School program.

All Insight PA students also attend live Counselor Connection (Grades K-8) or Seminar (9-12) classes. During these sessions, our team of certified school counselors share social emotional learning (SEL) lessons with students using the Character Strong curriculum and other developmentally appropriate, skill-based lessons targeted to meet the social emotional needs of our students. Our HS counselors also provide students with all of the post-secondary planning resources and guidance they need to prepare for life after high school.

When is the enrollment window?2024-08-07T14:44:55-04:00

Enrollment is currently open for the 2024 – 2025 school year.

How do I report an absence?2023-09-25T15:33:53-04:00

Use our Insight PA Attendance Form to report all absences, including out of state travel. We suggest you bookmark this form so that you have it whenever needed. If you have the old attendance email address and/or phone number saved from previous years, please note that both have been deactivated and cannot be used to report absences.

All absences are treated as Unlawful (Unexcused) until a parent or guardian submits a written explanation or medical excuse through this form. If parents or guardians fail to submit a written explanation or medical excuse within three (3) days of the absence, the absence may be permanently counted as unlawful (unexcused).

Do you offer assistance with internet costs?2023-12-08T15:46:10-05:00

Students must have access to the internet to successfully complete their lessons. Insight PA will reimburse a family $50 per month toward the costs associated with their child(ren)’s internet access. (Please note that this is a per family reimbursement based on the household address.) Internet reimbursement payments are sent out twice a year. For more information regarding internet reimbursement, please visit our Internet Reimbursement page.

What computer skills are required for the Learning Coach?2023-11-28T15:45:49-05:00

The Learning Coach must have at least basic computer skills, which include navigating the Windows operating system, reading and responding to emails, opening attachments, and supporting students with accessing and logging into various online systems. Learning Coaches should also be comfortable learning new technology platforms.

Why is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) required at Insight PA?2023-12-10T16:39:34-05:00

Traditionally, schools have been a place to develop the academic skills and knowledge students need for the future. While academic skills are incredibly important, research tells us there are many other skills that our students need to thrive both inside and outside of school. Those skills, which we call social emotional skills, have become a focus for schools across the country, including Insight PA, as we recognize that it is vital for students to receive direct instruction on managing their emotions, making good decisions, interacting positively with others, and more in order to reach their full potential.  

Here is what the research about social emotional learning (SEL) tells us according to CASEL.org

Academics: Students that participated in SEL programs saw an 11 percent increase in their overall grades and better attendance!

Mental Health and Classroom Behavior: Students participating in SEL programs showed improved classroom behavior, an increased ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school. 

Long-Term Effects: There is a positive correlation between strong social emotional assets and higher levels of well-being up to 18 years later. (Taylor et al., 2017)

Workforce Development: 6 of the top 10 in-demand career skills involve SEL skills, like complex problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. 

What documents are required to enroll?2023-10-17T17:02:18-04:00

You will need to supply the following documents during the enrollment process:

  • Proof of Residence (2)
  • Student Proof of Age
  • Student Immunization Records

To allow us to best support your child and your family, additional documentation may be needed. These documents may include:

  • Most recent report card
  • High School transcripts
  • IEP and/or 504 Plan
  • Evaluation/Re-evaluation Report (ER/RR)
  • Most recent Homeschool Affidavit and Evaluation
  • Current disciplinary report
  • Court-issued custody agreement
  • Court-issued guardian document
What counts as a lawful (excused) absence?2023-09-25T15:34:13-04:00

  • Student Illness
  • Medical Appointment
  • Death in the Immediate Family
  • Religious Holiday
  • Educational Trip

A maximum of 10 days of lawful (excused) absences verified by parental notification may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond ten (10) cumulative days may require an excuse from a physician.

How do I get technical support?2023-12-10T16:45:22-05:00

All technical support is provided by K12/Stride. Families needing technical support for computer equipment or the online school can call 866.512.2273 (select Option 2) or visit https://www.help.k12.com.

Where can I learn more about Insight PA’s Career Education Program?2023-12-07T10:37:07-05:00

At Insight PA, we recognize and celebrate that there are many paths our students may take after graduating high school. Through our robust Career Education Program, students are encouraged to explore their interests and build on their personal strengths, helping to prepare them for future success. In High School, students have the opportunity to take specific career pathway courses, participate in pre-apprenticeship programs, and earn certifications in several high-demand fields. To learn more, visit our Career Education page.

Should my child remain enrolled in their current school during the enrollment process?2023-10-17T17:02:29-04:00

Students who enroll during the school year must remain enrolled in their current school throughout the enrollment process with Insight PA. Once all enrollment items are complete and documentation is secured, you will receive your starting date from us and can be withdrawn from your current school.

What are the state requirements for school attendance in Pennsylvania?2023-12-10T16:42:57-05:00

The state requires that all children between the ages of 6 to 18 comply with compulsory attendance requirements. A student is considered “truant” when they have incurred three or more school days of unexcused absences during the current school year. A student is considered “habitually truant” when they have incurred six or more school days of unexcused absences during the current school year. 

When Insight Pa students meet either “truant” or “habitually truant” status, we are required to follow the procedures outlined in our Attendance Policy, which can be found on pages 34-39 of our Family and Student Handbook.

What does the computer system loaned by Insight PA include?2023-11-28T15:58:32-05:00
graphic of computer programs included with Insight PA
How do I enroll?2023-12-10T16:43:57-05:00

Visit our Enrollment page to learn more about the enrollment process!

Does Insight PA provide textbooks and other instructional materials?2023-12-07T10:37:48-05:00

Yes, we provide a laptop, textbooks, and instructional materials. The books and materials that students receive are dependent on their grade level and the courses in which they are enrolled. High school students receive fewer books and materials than elementary and middle school students as more of their materials are provided virtually. Families are responsible for providing some basic school supplies, such as pencils, markers, and notebooks.

What if a student cannot attend live classes?2023-09-25T15:34:42-04:00

We understand that there may be situations that do not allow some of our students to attend live classes, including work schedules, medical issues, homelessness, and more. In these situations, we may be able to work with your family to create an individualized attendance plan for your child. If your child is not able to regularly attend live classes, contact your family’s LEAP Specialist or complete our Student Assistance Program (SAP) form.

What if I have additional questions about enrolling at Insight PA?2023-10-17T17:02:46-04:00

Call us at 844.269.9230 and press 1.

What if my child refuses to log in or attend live classes?2023-09-25T15:34:52-04:00

Speak with your child’s teacher and/or LEAP Specialist about the issue. They will work with you to provide suggestions and strategies to increase your child’s attendance.

Can my child work at their own pace?2023-12-08T09:51:22-05:00

Our elementary, middle and high school students complete the majority of their lessons and coursework in synchronous (live) classes taught by our Insight PA teachers. On Fridays, students are expected to attend any live Homeroom and Counselor Connect/Seminar sessions on their schedule, but have the rest of the day to work on their own and catch up on assignments as needed.

Do you provide programming and support for children with special needs?2023-12-07T11:07:12-05:00

Yes. Insight PA Cyber Charter School is required to provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). We offer a continuum of special education services and support to address student needs. To learn more, visit our Special Education page.

A student that does not qualify for special education services under IDEA (an educational law) may still qualify for services under Section 504 (a civil rights law) if the disability is shown to substantially limit his or her educational performance.

Under Chapter 711 of  Pennsylvania Department of Education Code, Insight PA does not provide a separate gifted education program, however Insight PA does offer  rigorous courses and pathways to challenge and enhance the learning opportunities for all students along with recognizing that some students may benefit from an accelerated program to best meet their needs

Can our family take a vacation during the school year?2023-09-25T15:35:05-04:00

Any out-of-state travel during days school is in session must be reported using our Insight PA Attendance Form, even if the student will be logging in and attending school regularly while out of the state. Per state law, Insight PA students must retain a permanent residence and be present within the state of PA. Generally, no more than 10 consecutive days of travel will be approved. 

Do Insight PA students participate in state standardized testing?2024-08-23T08:49:31-04:00

Yes. As a Pennsylvania Public School, Insight PA is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) to administer the PSSAs, Keystone Exams, PASAs, and ACCESS for ELLs (English Language Learners). For more information about these assessments, visit the links below:

Where can I see the school’s full Attendance Policy?2023-12-08T09:54:12-05:00

Our Insight PA Attendance Policy can be found on pages 34-39 of our Family and Student Handbook.

Why is it important for my child to participate in state standardized testing?2024-08-23T10:22:44-04:00

There are many reasons it is important for your child to participate in state standardized testing. 

Benefits for Students

As an individual student, the test results show both academic achievement, as linked to PA educational standards, as well as individual progress and growth. We feel strongly that the individual progress and growth metrics are the key ones for a parent/guardian to review as they demonstrate how your child has increased proficiency since prior testing. The results of these tests also help us better educate our students, by providing data that allows us to identify areas for growth in our curriculum and instruction.

Benefits for Insight PA

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that schools achieve a 95% participation rate for state assessments. This requirement applies to reading and math assessments that are used for accountability purposes. The ESSA also requires that schools include the greater of all test takers or 95% of eligible test takers when calculating average school test scores. If more than 5% of students don’t take the test, the lowest possible score is given to those students, which lowers the school’s average score. 

For Insight PA, the test participation rates and the scores of both the proficiency and growth measures of our students play a large part in the PA Department of Education’s evaluation of Insight PA’s performance. The more students who participate in these mandated tests and the more our students demonstrate growth towards proficiency, the better the evaluation results will be. Failure to achieve adequate participation rates could lead to the loss of some federal education funding for our school.

Where can I learn more about state testing at Insight PA?2024-01-08T08:38:32-05:00

Visit our State Testing Website or refer to our Family State Testing Guide for more information.

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