In accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Insight PA Cyber Charter School has been designated as a Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Insight PA has been identified as a CSI school based on the following indicators: Achievement: Math and English Language Arts (ELA) Combined, Growth: Math and ELA combined, and Graduation Rate. For more information about the CSI identification process, please refer to this document provided by PDE.

In close partnership with a selection of representatives from our various stakeholder groups (students, parents, teachers, and school leaders), our School Improvement Facilitator from the Chester County Intermediate Unit, and PDE, Insight PA has identified the following priorities for our CSI Plan:

  • Increased student mastery of grade-level standards in ELA
  • Increased student mastery of grade-level standards in Math
  • Increase in four-year graduation rate
  • Greater proficiency in instructional practices
  • Implementation of a more effective multi-tiered system of supports for students
  • Increased daily attendance

We invite all members of our school community to view the DRAFT of our 24-25 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (in the structure/format required by PDE) and share their feedback with us through our 24-25 CSI Feedback Form. This draft will remain on our website and the feedback form will remain open through Monday, August 19th. If you have any questions or difficulty completing this form, please contact Insight PA Chief Academic Officer Julie Jaszcar at her new email address,

Strategy 1: Student-Centered Coaching Model

The Student-Centered Coaching Model is an evidence-based program that focuses on student learning and outcomes. Classroom teachers will be coached in creating lessons that are aligned with state standards and differentiated for the students in their classes. Learn more here.

Strategy 2: High-Dosage Tutoring

Identified students will be provided with tutoring services by an external provider three times a week. These sessions will take place during the school day and will not interfere with other courses in the students’ schedules. Learn more here.

*Our after-school tutoring program, led by Insight PA staff, will still be available to any interested students!

Strategy 3: Team-Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) Process

The TIPS Process is a team approach to identifying barriers to learning. Team members will all be empowered to identify these barriers and initiate steps to reduce them. TIPS team members will partner with students and their families to ensure the highest levels of academic achievement. Learn more here.

Strategy 4: Learner Engagement and Attendance (LEAP) Program

The LEAP program will provide a variety of supports and offer consistent points of contact for students and their families. Members of our LEAP teams will work with students and families to increase engagement and attendance and identify local community resources. Learn more here.

Strategy 5: Competency-Based Advancement Pathway

This program will offer accelerated courses and mastery programs to identified high school students experiencing credit deficiency. These courses will be taught by Insight PA teachers and will allow these students to make progress toward fulfilling their graduation requirements. Learn more here.